Top tips
Below you'll find a selection of our Top 5 tips to help you in your daily work

Top 5

Top 5
Personal impact

Top 5
Influence and negotiate
Find out the other person’s stance by listening, before you communicate.
Allow enough time for discussion.
Act relaxed, interested and positive.
Pay attention to what they say and summarise appropriately “So if I understand this right, you want...” “I’m hearing that you....”
Speak slowly and clearly, with an even tone and volume.
Get your body language right e.g. good eye contact, smile, open stance.
Be assertive i.e. clear, direct, professional and approachable.
Understand what makes you feel confident and use these things.
Listen more than you talk, respond to show that you’ve heard the message.
Always follow up promptly on actions, meetings and requests.
Step into their shoes and see things from their side. Know their pressures.
Understand where your agendas match up and where they don’t.
Never get personal, avoid surprises, share information and your view.
Listen more than you talk.
Aim for win-win solutions, where everyone gains something.

Top 5
Manage people

Top 5
Manage time

Top 5
Manage stress
Give direction, set clear standards and allocate clear roles.
Make enough time to listen to, understand and help your team.
Create development opportunities through coaching, shadowing, training.
Meet the team regularly. Encourage their feedback and act on it.
Acknowledge and reward good performance, deal with underperformance swiftly.
Create a “to do” list, as the first thing you look at each day and the last thing you update before you leave.
Prioritise and know the difference between urgent and important.
Plan your time for the day / week / month, start tasks early if you can.
Know what your distractions are and work to remove or avoid them.
Take breaks and reward yourself for completing tasks on time.
Pinpoint sources of stress in your life, write down how each makes you feel.
Replace negative thinking (“I can’t...”, “No one cares....”) with positive thinking (“I can...”, “I will....”).
Regain control by clarifying your role, planning your time, learning to say no.
Take regular breaks away from your desk, especially when you are busy.
Sleep well, eat well, take exercise, talk things through with someone.

Top 5
Manage change

Top 5
Build the team

Top 5
Successful career
Create a compelling case for change and articulate the benefits.
Update stakeholders clearly and frequently, so no one is left in the dark.
Take staff emotions seriously, hear and respond to their concerns.
Help individuals / teams understand how the change impacts on them.
Identify change champions to boost people’s energy and encourage action.
Get to know each others’ strengths, interests, passions, working styles.
Show and tell team members that they are valued and why.
Clarify roles and responsibilities, agree how you will work together.
Celebrate successes, learn from your mistakes and don’t blame.
Ask what support people need to work effectively and provide it.
Career development isn't linear, be open to trying out different paths.
Think about what skills and abilities you'll build in each role.
Invest in relationships, be kind to others, show humility and gratitude.
Get a mentor. Get feedback. Use them both to drive your development.
Learn from your mistakes and know that we all make them.